Producing honey in the highlands of Ethiopia has put a smile on Kindu’s face and quite possibly saved a boy’s life!
Kindu Wolde received training from Action Ethiopia’s sister organisation SUNARMA on improved bee keeping skills. It has transformed the life of his family. Thanks to improved household income Kindu was able to help a boy called Getaneh who ran away from home and was living rough in the forest. Kindu explains:- ‘There was a fire at Getaneh’s house and his sister died in that fire. His mother was so full of sorrow that she soon after died of a broken heart. His father married a new woman so it was decided that Getaneh would not stay with his family. He ran away from his step mother and away from his home, at this time he was in the 6th grade. He travelled about and I heard news of this boy. I decided to take him in.’
A little goes a long way – Please consider a gift.
£12 helps provide a day’s training – £15 provides essential bee keeping equipment – £25 provides an improved hide